Re: [Salon] SVB Was Donald Trump’s Bailout

Thanks for sharing this as a correct counter-narrative to Trumpite propaganda spewed out by Murdoch, such as the New York Post, and other right-wing media platforms. “Propaganda” if only done by  “omission,” in failing to note Trump’s corrupt role in this in doing the bidding of his ideological masters of the Right, to include liberarians who will sacrifice any principle for the God of tax cuts and deregulation, even accepting massive increases in military spending, as I personally saw in 2017 with their obsequious subservience to Trumpism. Whether this is “deregulation” or not, it was Trump’s policy, designed as a version of the “Industrial Policy” which libertarians and conservatives always claim to abhor, but love Trump and Republicans when they implement it, when there is sufficient evidence it will only benefit the Oligarchs or their best paid underlings, as their propagandists should be seen as, as well:

“But Trump pulled the regulators off the job. This is wrongly described as “deregulation.” It isn’t.

“Anyhow, this bailout is the Donald Trump bailout. He touted the 2018 bill when he signed it. We are now seeing the fruits of his action.”

Pardon the enlarged font below:

And we haven’t seen the end of the “fruit of Trump’s policies as there is still the matter of the three wars Trump escalated/accelerated against Russia, China, and Iran.

But Leon Hadar captured what the New York Post, to name one culprit, is up to:

“There thus remains a political narrative that could easily be advanced by Trumpist Republicans, that the Biden administration is beholden to powerful elites at the expense of working-class Americans – a narrative that, in the 2024 presidential elections, could affect the competition for the votes of blue-collar Americans.

“Indeed, the Republicans have already launched attacks on the Biden administration that go beyond accusations of “bailouts.” They allege that the SVB collapsed because it was pushing “woke programmes”, while Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri argued that Biden cares more about “Silicon Valley elites” than he does about working-class Americans in Ohio.”

I wonder what Hawley’s SC Elite Master, Peter Thiel, has to say, given his multi-track memes?

And I wonder how much Thiel money goes to fund any media outlet/writer who at least serves as a “disrupter,” even when it seems counterintuitive that he, or Koch, might be funding something “against their interests,” when in fact, for such Schmittian type thinkers, “intellectual/political disruption might be a goal in itself, at this stage of the”Conservative Revolution” they both would seem to have as as the ultimate objective?

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On Mar 15, 2023, at 7:19 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

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